Monday, February 1, 2021

Leprosy Exposed

A place where Leprosy is exposed Moses truly was a man touched by Yahweh (God), supernaturally called and full of revelation about who Yahweh was. He was humble, pious and burdened for the honor of Yahweh. He was permitted to know guidance as few other men have known as he loved Yahweh and grieved over the sins of the people. In spite of all this, Moses did not know of the leprosy in his own stomach “ And our Adonia ( Lord) said furthermore unto him, put now your hand into your bosom. And he put his hand into his bosom: and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous as snow” (Exodus 4:6) What terror, to reach into your own stomach and touch leprosy! What an object lesson on the utter depravity of the flesh. Was Yahweh indulging in a little magic with Moses? No, this was a powerful lesson the man of Yahweh must learn. It was Yahweh’s way of saying to this man, “When self is in control, you end up hurting people and bringing reproach on my work. When you attempt to do my work in a spectacular  fleshly way, you minister death and not life” Yahweh was declaring, “ I cannot use that old nature, it cannot be transformed, it will always be leprous. There must be a new Man (women). One caught up in the Glory of “I AM“! “Moses was commanded to put his leprous hand back into his stomach again; and plucked it out of his stomach and behold, it was turned again as his other flesh” ( Exodus 4:7) Stretching forth the hand represents ministry. What is leprosy, but sin? Hidden unexposed, unforeseen sin! What happens when a man of Yahweh gets on holy ground? His inner soul is exposed. His deepest, hidden sins are brought to light before his eyes and he is driven to the tender mercies of Yeshua the Christ for healing and restoration. Thank Yahweh for that second, sanctifying touch! That cleansing moment, when by faith the old flesh is crucified and the hand of ministry is purified,  when we are once again clothed in the proper flesh,  His flesh.

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